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Overcoming Ayahuasca Fears

Writer: El Mono Blanco  šŸ’El Mono Blanco šŸ’

Many people are nervous about trying ayahuasca because it's like diving headfirst into the unknown. This sacred brew takes you on a deep journey within, making you face old fears, unresolved traumas, and emotions you might've buried long ago.

fears ayahuasca

The wild ride of the experienceā€”what it feels like, what visions or insights might pop up, and how you'll handle themā€”can be pretty daunting. Let's not forget the physical side: ayahuasca ceremonies often involve purging, which can be both uncomfortable and a bit embarrassing.

Cultural misconceptions, tales of "bad trips," and the fear of losing control or facing intense spiritual revelations only add to the anxiety. Ultimately, it's the leap into a transformative process, requiring you to let go of your ego and embrace vulnerabilityā€”a challenge that's intimidating but can be incredibly rewarding.

Understanding the Roots of Fear

Fear is our brain's way of keeping us safe from the unknown and potential dangers. It's like an inner alarm system that kicks in to prepare us for action. However, fear can also be influenced by past experiences, cultural beliefs, and even stories we've heard. Sometimes, it can hold us back from trying new things, even if they could be amazing.

So, while fear serves an important purpose, it's also something we can learn to understand and manage. By working with and overcoming our fears, we unlock the incredible power that the unknown can offer, opening doors to new and transformative experiences.

In the article below, we'll chat about the common fears people have when considering Ayahuasca. We'll also share some helpful tips and insights on how to ease those anxieties, helping you feel more confident and prepared for your transformative journey ahead.

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The Fear of Death

The fear of death is the king of all fears. We experience it in our lives daily and it takes quite a lot of energy to ignore small hints that we are mortal, the end of our life is certain and each day brings us closer.

As we age it is harder and harder to avoid looking at our wrinkles and gray hair. Turning a blind eye to the fact that death is our day-to-day companion means that we are being controlled by this fear and life in fear barely has any space for something bright in our mind. One could say that the less fear you have in life, the more space there is for love, fulfillment, and happiness.

But there is no way to start living our life while being controlled by the fear of death and Ayahuasca can give us many insights that are hard to overappreciate.

When it comes to Ayahuasca and fear of death, people are concerned in several ways.

First of all, they are worried that the Ayahuasca brew itself can kill them. Fortunately, chemically, Ayahuasca is very safe. If taken responsibly the Ayahuasca brew prepared by experienced shamans has a health risk is close to 0.

Secondly, oftentimes people are afraid of having a ā€œnear-death experienceā€ in the ceremony, and that is something they feel unprepared to face. This fear stems from the idea of losing control, confronting the unknown, or being forced to let go of deeply held attachments and identities. The thought of surrendering to an experience that feels so overwhelming or unfamiliar can be intimidating, especially if they've never confronted their mortality or deeply buried fears before. However, it is precisely in these moments of surrender that profound healing and transformation often occur.

Ayahuasca offers a profound opportunity to confront and transform the fear of death in a safe and supportive setting. This fearā€”often lurking in the background of our livesā€”can keep us from truly living. By helping us face it directly, Ayahuasca opens the door to new perspectives on mortality, showing that death is not the end, but a natural part of lifeā€™s cycle.

The Fear of Madness

People often fear madness because it feels like losing the reins of your own mind, something deeply unsettling. This anxiety stems from cultural myths, personal encounters, and misunderstandings about mental health. Witnessing someone slip away from reality can be scary because it shakes the foundation of how we see the world and our sense of safety. At its core, the fear of madness is wrapped in the unknown and how this unpredictability can impact both the individual and those who care about them.

The intensity of an Ayahuasca experience can be quite overwhelming, stretching one's mental and emotional faculties to the limits. Imagine a steam engine under excessive pressureā€”just as it might burst, there's a fear that too much mental strain could lead to lasting effects.

Ayahuasca is generally very safe, with the only significant mental health risks occurring in individuals predisposed to conditions like schizophrenia. For those seeking healing or a deeper level of self-understanding, Ayahuasca is never too much to bear. It provides just the right amount of challenge to help you handle whatever you need to face to succeed on your life journey.

The Fear of Losing Control

We are obsessed with plans, deadlines, schedules, and having a grip on our lives. Our plans must succeed, and when they donā€™t, we find a myriad of people and circumstances to blame (including ourselves).

You might have seen a kid's toy steering wheel that the child can hold on the passengerā€™s seat and imagine that they are the one driving the car. It is so exciting! When you see an obstacle, you turn the wheel, and it feels like the whole car turned because of your action. That's the kind of control we have in our lives, and Ayahuasca is pretty good at showing you that.

What kind of control are people in an Ayahuasca ceremony afraid of losing? The control over their body. They think that while under the effect of Ayahuasca, they would start doing all sorts of crazy and dangerous stuff. That is very unlikely.

First of all, in the ceremony, there should always be people supervising the process and taking care of you. If that is the case, these people will calm you down, and you will continue exploring your inner world instead of the external one.

Secondly, Ayahuasca makes you pretty self-aware while in the ceremony. It means that you know that you are currently in an Ayahuasca ceremony, and you can control your actions. It does not make you delusional as alcohol or other substances do.

Our control over life is like holding onto a kite string in a gusty windā€”an illusion of control while the wind decides the direction. Despite countless things that could go wrong every second, we remain here, alive and functioning, as if someone is taking care of us. Ayahuasca reveals that we shouldn't be afraid of losing control because there's nothing to lose to begin with.

This realization is a profound relief, allowing us to relax and live more freely. It's like floating down a gentle river, knowing you can't control the flow, but you can enjoy the ride.

We can set goals and take action without the constant worry of things going wrong. Ayahuasca teaches us to do what needs to be done to achieve our goals but to also accept and be grateful for whatever comes our way, embracing life with a sense of ease and trust.

The Fear of Change

People of this planet like it cozy and we hate spending extra energy on something that is working. It can work badly, or inefficient, but as long as it brings a satisfactory result we rarely bother to rile the waters.

Just imagine that to become better, and get a brighter life, you would need to change a lot of things. The social circle that holds you back, is your routines, your schedule, priorities, and many other things. All of that requires an energy expense so no wonder we are afraid of making change.

Change is always a risk. To succeed in growth, we trade the current not-that-great situation for something that we donā€™t have yet. And it takes time to get from one step to a higher one. And to be suspended in this state is very unpleasant because there is a chance of fainting and what weā€™ll get is wasted time and energy without any reward.

The good news is that Ayahuasca has you covered. The change Ayahuasca can bring to your life is natural and comes from within. In the ceremony, you can unveil all the small and big benefits that you will get if you change your life.

This knowledge will weigh so much, that any efforts needed to accomplish your goal will be worth it.

You will certainly know why you need to make a level-up in your life, and this certainty will inspire you.

Downloading a big ā€œwhyā€ from Ayahuasca will serve as a protective armor against any scary scenarios that our minds will draw to avoid change.

Comfort is the enemy of improvement and if we want really to become a new version of ourselves, we can come to Ayahuasca to learn to move into a lack of comfort and do it with enthusiasm.

The Fear of Facing the Root of Problems

People often fear facing the real root of their problems because it means confronting uncomfortable truths about themselves. When we dig deep enough into something we don't like in our lives, we often find that we are the main suspects in the crime. This truth can be painful and unsettling, so many people choose to live in the pain of self-deception instead.

The irony is that the pain of staying in the comfort of lies is often greater than the pain of facing the truth. It's like living with a splinterā€”ignoring it might seem easier, but removing it, though initially painful, leads to true healing and relief.

Ayahuasca is like an x-ray of truth, cutting through all the stories we tell ourselves and revealing the clear reality beneath. It helps us see and accept the truth with unfiltered clarity. Once we can see things as they truly are, we gain the power to make meaningful changes in our lives. This not only improves our own lives but also positively impacts those around us. It's like clearing the fog from our minds, allowing us to navigate life with greater understanding and purpose.

The Fear of Being Wrong About it All

As any computer has software to operate it, we have our own beliefs that combine in a framework that helps us to understand our lives, other people, and the Universe as a whole.

It is said that by the age of 5, we absorb 50% of all our beliefs. From 5 to 8 years old, we download 30% more and the rest is settled till the age of 14. It means that all the events till that age are shaping our understanding of what the hell is happening in this life.

Oftentimes the beliefs we are holding to are not that useful or meaningful. More often than not, the program we operate on is twisted and unoptimized in many ways.

Despite how awkward most of our unconscious beliefs are, we are attached to them as they help us to navigate through life situations to the relative success that we find ourselves in. So they work! ( sort of). And if so, they deserve to be defended and nourished.

Ayahuasca with all its transformational power can threaten these beliefs and our sense of day-to-day security. The insights from the Ayahuasca ceremony can shatter the core of what you think is possible. Expansion through explosion.

These are some of the deepest lessons that highlight the weak points of your wiring and you get a real chance to change because you know how inefficient your life was due to all sorts of weak and oftentimes contradictive views on life we hold on to.

There is no need to be afraid of the possibility of finding weak points in your "software". That is one of the reasons for doing Ayahuasca.

It can give you a new perspective and when that new understanding is showing you that you were wrong about something, you have an incredible chance for a change.

The Fear of Travel

Traveling to remote areas can be daunting for many, particularly solo women, due to a combination of safety concerns and social conditioning. These areas often lack immediate access to emergency services and familiar support systems, which can make the potential for danger feel more threatening.

Cultural narratives and stories about the dangers of the unknown often emphasize the risks, particularly for women, who may feel more vulnerable to harassment or violence. The unpredictability of unknown environments, coupled with isolation, adds to the apprehension.

Embarking on a journey to experience Ayahuasca can be immensely rewarding, especially when you focus on thorough travel preparation. Researching your destination, understanding the local culture, and planning your logistics can make the trip smoother and more enjoyable. Knowing what to expect in terms of climate, accommodations, and transportation helps you feel more at ease and ready to embrace the experience.

It's also wise to seek assistance from the retreat you plan to visit. The organizers can provide valuable insights into what to bring, how to prepare, and tips for staying safe and comfortable during your stay. This collaboration ensures you're well-equipped and supported throughout your transformative journey.

The Fear of Malevolent People

Ayahuasca by itself is a pretty controversial remedy with all the different experiences people are reporting. Some had their life changed, others would never dare to touch it again because they could not handle it and had a rough time.

In addition to that, in Peru Ayahuasca is also a business with all good and bad attributes linked to it. Here you have retreat centers wanting to provide the best service possible along with integrity, compassion, and support. The competition between them is fueling the race for quality and results. And both the guests and the retreat centers are winning in such cases.

But also you can encounter the dark part that a business can bring - deception, irresponsibility, and harm. But fortunately, all these aspects are induced not by Ayahuasca itself but by the people that are handling it.

So it is fair that many people who consider doing Ayahuasca in Peru ( or other countries) are worried and afraid that there are malevolent who instead of healing and relief, will deliver even more suffering than they have.

Safety and thorough research should be the top priorities when selecting the right Ayahuasca retreat. To ensure a safe and meaningful experience, it's essential to ask plenty of questions about every aspect you're concerned or unsure about. Whether it's about the qualifications of the shamans, the setting of the ceremonies, or the health protocols in place, clarity is key. Keep asking until all your doubts are addressedā€”feeling completely confident in your choice. If any uncertainties remain, continue your research. Taking the time to get all the information you need ensures a safer, more comfortable, and transformative journey.

Fears, especially those surrounding Ayahuasca, often fueled by rumors and scary stories, act like guardians of the doors behind which incredible wealth and growth lie.

To overcome these guardians, we need to look them in the eyes and study them. This means understanding the roots of our fears, gathering accurate information, and preparing ourselves thoroughly for the journey. Once we gain this knowledge and prepare adequately, these fears lose their power.

The key is to face these fears with curiosity and readiness, allowing us to unlock the transformative potential that Ayahuasca and lifeā€™s challenges offer.

If you enjoyed this article and found the insights valuable, we invite you to subscribe to our social media channels or even visit our retreat.

At Lighthouse! Ayahuasca Retreat Center, we practice all the insights we write about, ensuring a holistic and enriching experience for our guests.

Should you desire to experience these insights firsthand at our retreat, you'll find a community of like-minded individuals and experienced guides ready to support your journey toward healing and self-discovery.


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